Wildlife in Garrett County

About the wildlife of Garrett County, Maryland

This beautiful region is home to a wide variety of animals, including some of the most impressive and iconic species of the Eastern United States.

One of the most famous animals in Garrett County is the American black bear (Ursus americanus). These majestic animals can be found throughout the county, from the lush forests to the rolling hills and beyond. Black bears are a beloved symbol of the natural world in Maryland, and they are known for their impressive size, strength, and intelligence.

Black bears in Garrett County are typically solitary creatures, although they will sometimes congregate in areas with abundant food sources, such as berry patches or garbage cans. They are omnivorous, and their diet includes everything from plants and berries to small mammals and insects. In the fall, they may also feed heavily on acorns and other nuts in preparation for winter hibernation.

Despite their size and strength, black bears are generally not aggressive towards humans, and they will usually avoid confrontation whenever possible. However, it’s important for people to take precautions when in bear country, such as keeping food out of reach and making noise while hiking to avoid surprising a bear.

Other wildlife that can be found in Garrett County include white-tailed deer, wild turkey, beavers, otters, and a wide variety of bird species. The county is also home to several species of rare or endangered animals, such as the Virginia big-eared bat and the Allegheny woodrat.

Overall, Garrett County is a true treasure trove of wildlife, and there are few places in the country that offer such a rich and diverse range of animal species. Whether you’re a seasoned naturalist or just someone who enjoys being outdoors, this region is sure to delight and inspire you with its natural beauty and amazing wildlife.